Lunes, Hulyo 30, 2012

Anatomy and Physiology Chapter I-IV


·         Study of the structure and form of the human body.
·         Study of the function or behavior of the organs and other structures of the body.

Structural Organization of the Body
1.    Cell
·         Structural unit of the body
2.    Tissue
·         Groups of similar cells
3.    Organ
·         Group of tissues organized into a unit and concerned with some specific function
4.    System
·         Group of tissues and organs arranged to perform some function

Composition of Cells

1.    Protoplasm
·         Name used to indicate living matter
2.    Body Cells
·         Composed of protoplasm, breathe, circulate contents, digest and absorb food, break down complex molecules to produce energy, and build up new compounds to replace those used up.
3.    DNA or Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
·         Consists of complete molecules located in the chromosomes of the nucleic of body cells.
4.    RNA or Ribose Nucleic Acid
·         A compound molecule located in the nucleoli of cell nuclei or in the cytoplasm of cells.

Parts of a Cell

1.    Cell Membrane
·         Also called plasma membrane, a very thin covering that surrounds each cells.
·         It forms a wall to contain the cell contents but is permeable to water and many molecules, allowing them to pass in or out of the cell.
2.    Nucleus
·         A centrally-placed rounded part of the cell that is separated from the remainder of the cell by the nuclear membrane.
·         It controls cellular activity and contains chromoomes and a small rounded granule, the nucleolus.
·         Chromosomes
o   Long threadlike filaments contained within the nucleus.
·         Nucleolus
o   Rounded body within the nucleus that contains RNA molecules and protein.
3.    Cytoplasm
o   Part of a cell that lies outside the nucleus.
·         Mitochondria
o   Sausage shaped bodies, the power plants, with enzymes producing chemical reactions that produce energy.
·         Endoplasmic Reticula
o   Minute canals that build up proteins.
·         Golgi Bodies
o   Minute vesicles, small sacs that concentrate or condense intercellular material.
·         Lysosomes
o   Minute droplets that digest proteins.
·         Centrosomes
o   Small spherical bodies containing two cylinders which take part in cell division.
·         Intracellular Fluid
o   Fluid within the cytoplasm.
·         Other Granules
o   Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, pigments, etc.

The Cell Body
·         Consists of the nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm.
Cell Processes
·         Projections that extend out from the cell body in some types of cells, such as nerve and bone cells.
Somatic Cells
·         A term used to include all the cells of the body except the genetic (reproductive) cells.
Genetic Cells or Reproductive Cells
·         Include those cells that produce an embryo, the ovum, or egg in the female, and the spermatozoon, or sperm, in the male.

Four Basic Types of Tissues

1.    Epithelial Tissue or Epithelium
-          A thin sheet of tissue composed of cells cemented together to form a covering or lining membrane, such as skin, covering of a lung, or lining of a blood vessels or in the intestine.
·         Pavement Epithelium
o   Single layer of flat cobblestone or tilelike cells.
·         Cuboidal Epithelium
o   A layer of cube-shaped cells cemented together.
·         Polyhedral Epithelium
o   Many-sided cells that are cemented together.
·         Goblet Cells
o   Shaped like wine goblets, that is found in columnar epithelium. They secrete mucus, a clear sticky colorless fluid. And they are found in mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
·         Simple Epithelium
o   Consists of a single layer of cells cemented together to form a continuous sheet.
·         Stratified Epithelium
o   Consists of several layers of cells cemented together to form a membrane.
·         Endothelium
o   A type of simple epithelium with a single layer of cells forming the lining of blood vessels.
·         Mesothelium
o   Another type of simple single-layered epithelium that lines the body cavities, the pleura, pericardium, and peritoneum.
·         Mucous Membrane
o   Type of simple or stratified epithelium that contains goblet cells and secretes mucus.
·         Serous Membrane
o   Type of simple epithelium that secretes a thin watery colorless fluid.
·         Synovial Membrane
o   Type of epithelium that lines joint cavities, bursae, and the sheaths of tendons.

2.    Connective Tissue
-          The supporting and binding tissues of the body. Their functions are to support, connect or bind other important tissues and to fill in spaces within and about organs.
·         Loose (Areolar) Connective Tissue
o   Consists of a semiliquid or jellylike matrix surrounding well separated cells called fibroblasts.
·         Adipose (Fatty) Tissue
o   A modified connective tissue.
·         Fibrous Tissue
o   Type of connective tissue in which the matrix consists of bundles of collagen fibers that either lie parallel to each other or form a crisscross of fibers when in sheets.
·         Elastic Tissue or Elastic Connective Tissue
o   Largely composed of elastic fibers that are contractile and strechable.
·         Reticular Tissue
o   Composed of a fine network of fibers and is located in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and bone marrow.
·         Cartilage or Gristle
o   Consists of oval shaped nucleated cells surrounded by a matrix that cements the cells into a firm but flexible structure.
v  Hyaline Cartilage
o   Forms articular cartilages at joints, costal cartilages, nasal and laryngeal cartilages, and the ringlike cartilages of the trachea and bronchi.
v  Fibrocartilage
o   Forms articular discs at some joints such as the intervertebral discs, semi-lunar cartilages at the knee, wrist, symphysis pubis, temporomandibular, and the acromioclavicular and sternoclavicular joints.
v  Elastic Cartilage
o   Forms the epiglottis, the cartilages of the external ear, and of the auditory canals.
·         Bone or Osseous Tissue
o   Modified connective tissue. It consists of nucleted cells with many processes extending out from the cell bodies like the legs of a spider.

3.    Muscular Tissue or Muscle Tissue
-          Compsed of elongated, cylindrical or spindle-shaped cells cemented together to form bundles or sheets.
·         Skeletal Muscle: Voluntary or Straited Muscle
-          Usually attached to bones across a joint. It contracts in response to messages transmitted along motor nerves from the brain. It is called “voluntary” because it may be made to contract at will.
·         Visceral Muscle: Involuntary or Non-Straited or Smoothe Muscle
-          Found in the walls of many hollow organs such as the stomach, intestine, gall bladder, blood vessels.
·         Cardia Muscle or Myocardium
-          Type of muscle found only in the wall of the heart.

4.    Nervous Tissue
·         Neurons or Nerve Cell
-          Consists of a cell with a central nucleus and two sets of processes, an axon and dendrites.
v  Axon
o   A single slender process extending out from the cell body. It conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body.
v  Dendrites
o   Have several processes that often extend out from the opposite pole of the cell body to the axon. They carry impulses towards the cell body.
v  Receptors
o   Minute structures at the distal ends of dendrites that pick up sensory impulses.
v  Motor Neurons
o   Convey impulses from the brain and spinal cord out to muscles or secreting glands thereby initiating contraction or secreation.
v  Effectors
o   Minute plates or branching fibrils at the distal ends of axons of motor neurons that transmit impulses to muscle fibers or glands.
·         Neuroglia
-          The supporting cells of the nervous system and are placed among and around neurons.

The Body Cavities

1.    Ventral Cavity
-          Formed as the celom in front of the vertebral column.
1.1.Thoracic Cavity
-          Occupies the upper part of the trunk and is enclosed by the chest wall. Between it and abdomen is the double dome-shaped muscular partition called diaphragm.
1.2.Abdominal Cavity
-          Extends from the inferior surface of the diaphragm to the pelvic bones.
1.3.Pelvic Cavity
-          Lying within the bony pelvis is actually continuous with the abdominal cavity with no separating partition between the two.
2.    Dorsal Cavity
-          Lies within the skull and the vertebral column.
2.1.Cranial Cavity
-          Lies within the cranium and contains the brain.
2.2.Spinal Canal
-          Extends lenghtwise within the spinal column and contains the spinal cord.

Abdominopelvic Quadrants and Regions

·         Umbilical Region
-          The centermost region which includes the umbilicus.
·         Epigastric Region
-          Immediately superior to the umbilical region; overlies most of the stomach.
·         Hypogastric (Pubic) Region
-          Immediately inferior to the umbilical region; encompasses the pubic area.
·         Iliac Region
-          Lateral to the hypogastric region and overlying the superior parts of the hip bones.
·         Lumbar Region
-          Between the ribs and the flaring portions of the hip bones; lateral to the umbilical region.
·         Hypochondriac Region
-          Flanking the epigastric region laterally and overlying the lower ribs.

Anatomical Position
-          The subject stands upright, with the limbs extended, face to the front, palms of the hands facing the front, and the feet together.

-          Frequently used as referring to the side of the body or part of it.

-          The position assumed when lying upon the back with the face up, or if referring to the hands,  with the palms up.

-          lying face down, and palms directed downwards.

-          Part of any structure or organ that lies nearest to the median line of the body.
-          Part of an organ or structure that lies farthest away from the medial line of the body.
-          Towards the front or in the front part of the body.
-          Towards the back, or in the back part of the body.
-          Refers to the front or anterior part.
-          Refers to the back or the posterior part.
-          Refers to the front or palm of the hand.
-          Refers to the sole of the foot.
-          Either the palm of the hand or the sole of the foot.
-          Refers to the upper part, or that part towards the head end.
-          Refers to the lower part, or that part away from the head end.
-          Refers to the head or head end of the body or an organ.
-          Refers to the tail or tail end of the body or of an organ.
-          Towards the head.
-          Towards the tail end.
-          Part of a structure closest to its source or origin.
-          Part farthest away from the source or origin or point of attachment.
-          Lengthwise, along the long axis or length of a structure.
-          Crossways, or at the right angles to the long axis or length of a structure.
-          Perpendicular or at the right angles to the horizon, assuming that the subject is standing up.
-          Parallel to the horizon, subject upright.
-          The inner part, farthest from the surface.
-          On or near the surface, outer part.
-          On or near the surface.
-          Far from the surface.
-          The larger or greater of two.
-          The smaller or lesser of two.
-          On the inside of the body.
-          On the outside of, the outer part of the body.
-          Part of an organ itself.
-          Originating outside an organ.
-          Refers to some organ
-          Refers to a wall, relating to a wall of a structure.


-          A real or imaginary flat surface.
1.    Longitudinal Plane
-          A flat surface made by cutting lengthwise or along the axis of the body or a part of it. The cut could be made from side to side, or from front to back, and with the subject standing upright or lying down, or in any other position.
2.    Transverse Plane
-          Flat surface made by cutting through the body or part of it crossways, or at the right angles to the long axis. The cut from front to back, or from side to side would have the same result.
3.    Vertical Plane
-          A longitudinal plane made with the subject upright, and the cut made perpendicular to the horizon, either from front to back or from side to side.
4.    Horizontal Plane
-          A transverse plane with the subject upright, and the cut made parallel to the horizon.
5.    Midsagittal or Median Plane
-          A longitudinal plane made by cutting from front to back along the median line of the body, and along the sagittal suture of the skull.
6.    Sagittal Plane
-          A longitudinal plane made by cutting  from front to back to one or other side of the sagittal suture, and parallel to the midsagittal plane.
7.    Coronal Plane or Frontal Plane
-          A longitudinal; plane made by cutting lengthwise and from side to side through the head and body or part of it along the coronal suture, or parallel to it.
8.    Subcostal Plane
-          A transverse plane made by cutting across the upper abdomen at right angles to the long axis of the body, and opposite the 10th costal cartilages, the lowest limit of the thoracic cage.
9.    Transpyloric Plane
-          A transverse plane made by cutting across the body from one side to the other at the level of the 9th costal cartilages or half of way between the upper end of the sternum and the symphysis.

  1. Matter
    1. Matter is anything that occupies space and has weight.
    2. Matter exist in three states: gas, liquid, and solid.
  2. Energy
    1. Energy is the capacity to do work or to put matter into motion. Energy has kinetic (active) potential (stored) work capacities.
    2. Types of energy that are important in body functions include, chemical, electrical, mechanical, and radiant.
    3. Energy can be converted from one form into another, but some energy is always unuseable (lost as heat) in such transformations.
  1. Elements and atoms
    1. Each element is a unique substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical methods. A total of 112 elements exist; they differ from one another in their chemical and physical properties.
    2. Four elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen) make up 96% of living matter. Several other elements are present in small or trace amounts.
    3. The building blocks of elements are atoms. Each atom is described by an atomic symbol consisting of one or two letters.
  2. Atomic structure
    1. Atoms are composed of three subatomic particles: protons, electrons, and neutrons. Because all atoms are electrically neutral, the number of protons in any atom is equal to its number of electrons.
    2. The planetary model of the atom portrays all the mass of the atom (protons and neutrons) concentrated in a minute central nucleus. Electrons orbit the nucleus along specific orbits. The orbital model also locates protons and electrons in a central nucleus, but it depicts electrons as occupying areas of space called orbitals and forming an electron cloud of negative charge around the nucleus.
    3. Each atom can be identified by an atomic number, which is equal to the number of protons contained in the atom's nucleus.
    4. The atomic mass number is equal to the sum of the protons and neutrons in the atom's nucleus.
    5. Isotopes are different atomic forms of the same element; they differ only in the number of neutrons in the nucleus. Many of the heavier isotopes are unstable and decompose to a more stable form by ejecting particles of energy from the nucleus, a phenomenon called radioactivity. Such radioisotopes are useful in medical diagnosis and treatment and in biochemical research.
    6. The atomic weight is approximately equal to the mass number of the most abundant isotope of any element.
  1. A molecule is the smallest unit resulting from the binding of two or more atoms. If the atoms are different, a molecule of a compound is formed.
  2. Compounds exhibit properties different from those of the atoms they comprise.
  1. Bond formation
    1. Chemical bonds are energy relationships. Electrons in the outermost energy level (valence shell) of the reacting atoms are active in the bonding.
    2. Atoms with a full valence shell (2 electrons in shell 1, or 8 in the subsequent shells) are chemically inactive. Those with an incomplete valence shell interact by losing, gaining, or sharing electrons to achieve stability (that is, to fill the valence shell).
    3. Ions are formed when valence-shell electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another. The oppositely charged ions formed attract each other, forming an ionic bond. Ionic bonds are common in salts.
    4. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. If the electrons are shared equally, the molecule is a nonpolar covalent molecule. If the electrons are not shared equally, the molecule is a polar covalent molecule. Polar molecules orient themselves toward charged particles.
    5. Hydrogen bonds are fragile bonds that bind together different parts of the same molecule (intramolecular bonds). They are common in large, complex organic molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids and between water molecules.
  2. Patterns of chemical reactions
    1. Chemical reactions involve the formation or breaking of chemical bonds. They are indicated by the writing of a chemical equation, which provides information about the atomic composition (formula) of the reactant(s) and product(s).
    2. Chemical reactions that result in larger, more complex molecules are synthesis reactions; they involve bond formation.
    3. In decomposition reactions, larger molecules are broken down into simpler molecules or atoms. Bonds are broken.
    4. Exchange reactions involve both the making and breaking of bonds. Atoms are replaced by other atoms.
  1. Inorganic compounds
    1. Inorganic compounds making up living matter do not contain carbon. They include water, salts, acids, and bases.
    2. Water is the single most abundant compound in the body. It acts as a universal solvent in which electrolytes (salts, acids, and bases) ionize and in which chemical reactions occur, and it is the basis of transport and lubricating fluids. It slowly absorbs and releases heat, thus helping to maintain homeostatic body temperature, and it protects certain body structures (e.g., the brain) by forming a watery cushion. Water is also a reactant in hydrolysis reactions.
    3. Salts in ionic form are involved in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, blood clotting, transport of oxygen by hemoglobin, cell permeability, metabolism, and many other reactions. Additionally, calcium salts (as bone salts) contribute to bone hardness.
    4. Acids are proton donors. When dissolved in water, they release hydrogen ions (H+). Strong acids dissociate completely; weak acids dissociate incompletely.
    5. Bases are proton acceptors. The most important inorganic bases are hydroxides (OH-). Bicarbonate ions are important bases in the body. When bases and acids interact, neutralization occurs that is, a salt and water are formed.
    6. pH is a measure of the relative concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in various body fluids. Each change of one pH unit represents a 10-fold change in hydrogen (or hydroxyl) ion concentration. A pH of 7 is neutral (that is, the concentrations of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions are equal). A pH below 7 is acidic; a pH above 7 is alkaline (basic).
    7. Normal blood pH ranges from 7.35 to 7.45. Slight deviations outside this range can be fatal.
  2. Organic compounds
    1. Organic compounds are the carbon-containing compounds that living matter comprises. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are examples. They all contain carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Proteins and nucleic acids also contain substantial amounts of nitrogen.
    2. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the general relationship (CH2O) their building blocks are monosaccharides. Monosaccharides include glucose, fructose, galactose, deoxyribose, and ribose, disaccharides include sucrose, maltose, and lactose; and polysaccharides include starch and glycogen . Carbohydrates are ingested as sugars and starches. Carbohydrates, and in particular glucose, are the major energy source for the formation of ATP.
    3. Lipids include the neutral fats or triglycerides (glycerol plus three fatty acid chains), phospholipids, and steroids (most importantly, cholesterol). Neutral fats are found primarily in adipose tissue, where they provide insulation and reserve body fuel. Phospholipids and cholesterol are found in all cell membranes. Cholesterol also forms the basis of certain hormones, bile salts, and vitamin D. Like carbohydrates, the lipids are degraded by hydrolysis and synthesized by dehydration synthesis.
    4. Proteins are constructed from building blocks called amino acids; 20 common types of amino acids are found in the body. Amino acid sequence determines the proteins constructed. Fibrous, or structural, proteins are the basic structural materials of the body. Globular proteins are functional molecules; examples of these include enzymes, some hormones, and hemoglobin. Disruption of the hydrogen bonds of functional proteins leads to their denaturation and inactivation.
    5. Enzymes increase the rates of chemical reactions by combining specifically with the reactants and holding them in the proper position to interact. They do not become part of the product. Many enzymes are produced in an inactive form or are inactivated immediately after use.
    6. Nucleic acids include deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). The building unit of nucleic acids is the nucleotide; each nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxy ribose), and a phosphate group. DNA (the "stuff" of the genes) maintains genetic heritage by replicating itself before cell division and contains the code-specifying protein structure is a double-stranded helix. RNA acts in protein synthesis to ensure that instructions of the DNA are executed and is single-stranded.
    7. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the universal energy compound used by all cells of the body. When energy is liberated by the oxidation of glucose, some of that energy is captured in the high-energy phosphate bonds of ATP molecules and is stored for later use.

-          Characterized by having cells dispersed within a fluid.
The fluid phase is called plasma.


Cells in Blood
·         Red Cells / Erythrocytes
-          Have no nucleus.
-          Contains the oxygen-binding protein hemoglobin and their chief function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and return the carbon dioxide generated by the cells to the lungs.
·         White Blood cells / Leukocyte
-          Plays a major role in the defense against infection.
-          Granulocytes (basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils)
-          Monocytes
-          Lymphocytes
Blood also contains small cell fragments known as Platelets.
Platelets – play crucial role in blood clotting.

-          A clear fluid formed in the tissues.
-          It contains many fewer cells than blood and its main cells are lymphocytes.
v  Blood and lymph are specialized tissue that is characterized by having cells dispersed within a fluid medium.

-          It provides structural support to the various organs of the body.
-          They are sometimes called structural tissues.
Main Cells of Connective Tissue

·         Fibroblasts
-          Synthesize and secrete the extracellular matrix (often called ground substance) and the fibers that provide the mechanical strength of the connective tissues.
Extracellular matrix consists of polysaccharides known as glycosaminoglycans.
Fat cells are also called adipocytes.
Elastin – provide the elasticity that allows tissues to resume their original shape after they have been stretched.
Elastin fibers are found in the skin, lungs and in the walls of elastic arteries.

Two main forms of Fatty Tissues

1.    White Adipose Tissue
-          Widely dispersed throughout the body and forms its main energy reserve.
2.    Brown Adipose Tissue / Brown Fat
-          Important in neonates, where it plays an important role in the maintenance of body temperature.


Two main types of Cells in the CNS
1.    Nerve cells / Neurons
-          Provide rapid and discrete signaling over long distances.
-          Has extensive set of fine branches called dendrites.
Dendrites – receive information from other neurons, integrate it and transmit it to its target cells in delicate extension of the cell body called axon.
2.    Glial cells
-          Have a complex supporting role.
Neutropil – the space between the nerve cell bodies.
-          It contains the cytoplasmic extensions of both neurons and glia.
v  Nervous tissue consists mainly of neurons and glial cells.
v  It is found mainly in the brain and spinal cord, but small ganglia are scattered throughout the body.
v  Nerve trunks connect the CNS to the various organ systems.

-     characterized by its ability to contract in response to an appropriate stimulus.
-     also known as myocytes.

Three main types of Muscle

1.    Skeletal Muscle / Striated Muscles
-          A muscle directly attached to the bones of the skeleton
2.    Cardiac Muscle / Striated Muscles
-          Muscle of the heart.
3.    Smooth Muscles
-          Muscle that lines the blood vessels and the hollow organs of the body.
Fascicles – layers of delicate connective tissue that bind them together into bundles between the muscle cells.

      5.  EPITHELIA
      -     A continuous sheets of cells.
Vascular Endothelium - cell layer that lines the blood vessels.
Mesothelium - the epithelial coverings of the pericardium, pleura and peritoneal cavity.

Features of Epithelia

Ø  They are composed of cells that are tightly joined together via specialized cell–cell junctions to form a continuous sheet.
Ø  Epithelial cells lie on a matrix of connective tissue fibers called the  basement membrane. The basement membrane provides physical support and separates the epithelium from the underlying vascular connective tissue, which is known as the lamina propria.
Ø  Replace damaged and dead cells, all epithelia undergo continuous cell replacement. The rate of replacement depends on the physiological role of the epithelium and is highest in the skin and gut, both of which are continually subjected to abrasive forces.
Ø  The arrangement of cells into epithelial sheets permits the directional transport of materials either into or out of a compartment. In the gut, kidney and many glandular tissues, this feature of epithelia is of great functional significance. The surface of an epithelial layer that is oriented towards the central space of a gland or hollow organ is known as the apical surface. The surface that is oriented towards the basement membrane and the interior of the body is called the basolateral surface.

Classification of Epithelia

·         Simple Epithelia
-          Consists of a single cell layers and are classified according to the shape of the constituent cell type.
·         Stratified Epithelia
-          Classified according to the appearance of their constituent cells.
-          Characterized by having more than one cell layer.
·         Pseudostratified Epithelia
-          Consists of single layer of cells in contact with the basement membrane, but the varying height and shape of the constituent cells gives the appearance of more than one cell layer.
Ø  Simple squamous epithelium (squamous =  flattened) consists of thin and flattened cells. These epithelia are adapted for the exchange of small molecules between the separated compartments. The walls of the alveoli of the lungs and the endothelium of the blood vessels are squamous epithelia.
Ø  Simple cuboidal epithelium, as the name implies, consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells whose width is approximately equal to their height. A simple cuboidal epithelium forms the walls of the small collecting ducts of the kidneys.
Ø  Simple columnar epithelium is adapted to perform secretory or absorptive functions. In this form of epithelium, the height of the cells is much greater than their width. It occurs in the large-diameter collecting ducts of the kidneys. It is also found lining the small intestine.
Ø  Ciliated epithelium consists of cells that have cilia on their apical surface. Non-ciliated cells are also interspersed between the ciliated cells. Ciliated epithelia line the Fallopian tubes.
Ø  Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium consists  of cells of differing shapes and height. This type of epithelium  predominates in the upper airways (trachea and bronchi).
Ø  Stratified squamous epithelium is adapted to withstand chemical and physical stresses. The best-known stratified epithelium is the epidermis of the skin. In this case, the flattened epithelial cells form many layers, only the lowest layer being in direct contact with the basement membrane. The more superficial cells are filled with a special protein called keratin, which renders the skin almost impervious to water and provides an effective barrier against invading organisms such as bacteria.
Ø  Transitional epithelium is found in the bladder and ureters. It is similar in structure to stratified squamous epithelium except that the superficial cells are larger and rounded. This adaptation allows stretching of the epithelial layer as the bladder fills.

v  Epithelia are formed entirely from sheets of cells and consist of one or more cell layers.
v  They separate one compartment of the body from another.
v   An epithelium consisting of a single cell layer is known as a simple epithelium while those with more than one layer are called stratified epithelia.

Glandular Epithelia
-          Specialized for secretion.
Exocrine Gland – a gland that secrete material via a specialized duct onto an epithelial surface.
v  Glandular epithelia are specialized for secretion.
v   If their secretion is via a duct, they form part of an exocrine gland.
v   If their secretion passes directly into the blood, they form part of an endocrine gland.


v  For cells to assemble into tissues, they need to adhere to other cells of the correct type. This recognition requires tissue-specific cell-surface marker molecules.
v  Cell–cell adhesion and cell–matrix interactions play an important role in tissue maintenance and development.

Specialized Cell Attachments

Junctional complex
- Consists of three structural components: the tight junction (also known as the zonula occludens), the adherens junction (or zonula adherens) and the desmosomes.

Gap junctions
- Allow small molecules to diffuse between adjacent cells. In this way, they play a role in communication between neighbouring cells.

 – a transmembrane proteins that is responsible for linking the epithelial cells so closely together.

 – a transmembrane adhesion protein which bind neighbouring cells together.

- they are formed by different anchoring proteins that bind cytoskeletal intermediate filaments to transmembrane adhesion proteins known as integrins.

- fix the epithelial cells to the basal lamina, so linking the cell layer to the underlying connective tissue.
- play an important role in development and wound repair.

- a  family of adhesion molecules that mediates the initial attachment of a white blood cell to the wall of a blood vessel before it can migrate to a site of tissue injury.
Ø  Forms a covering for the body.
Ø  The skin is the largest organ in the body.
Ø  It consist the 12-15% of body weight with 1-2 meters surface area.
Ø   Multiple roles in homeostasis, including protection, temperature regulation, sensory reception, biochemical synthesis, and absorption.

Functions of the Skin

1.    Forms a protective covering to prevent injury or destruction of underlying tissues from:
-          Entrance of microorganisms
-          Harmful chemiclas, acids, alkalies
-          Sun’s rays
-          Extreme of temperature
2.    Skin excretes water and some waste products.
3.    Skin helps to regulate body temperature by the evaporation of sweat and by dilation of capillary blood vessels of the skin radiating heat.
4.    Skin contains receptors of sensory nerves that pick up, and transmit it to the brain, sensations of the external environment such as cold, heat, pain, touch and pressure.


-          The outer layer of the skin.
-          Consists of epithelial membrane.
-          It compromise of five separate layers of epithelial tissue.
·         Stratum Corneum / Horny / Outer Layer
-          Outermost layer of the epidermis.
-          Composed of several thicknesses of degenerated cells that have become mere scales with no cellular structure.
-          The scales consist of a protein, keratin, the result of cellular degeneration similar to that in the hair, nail, hoofs of animal, etc.
-          The cells here are completely keratinized and dead, and this is what gives the skin its waterproof quality.
·         Stratum Lucidum / Translucent / Clear Layer
-          Lies immediately under the horny layer, and consists of tiers of cells that have lost their nuclei and cellular outlines due to the degenerative process.
·         Stratum Granulosum / Granular Layer
-          Lies beneath the clear layer and is composed of two or three tiers of flattened cells containing granules. There granules represent an early stage of degeneration.
·         Stratum Spinosum / Prickel Cell Layer
-          Consists of several tiers of many-sided cells. These are alive and represent mature germinal cells.
·         Stratum Germinativum / Germinal / Basal Layer
-          Consists of a layer of columnar cells that forms the deepest part of the epidermis. These cells contain a pigment that determines the darkness of the skin.

-          Lies under the epidermis.
-          Composed of loose (areolar) connective tissue with widely separated cells, with fibrous bands and elastic tissue fibers between.
-          The dermis is formed from mesoderm, the middle layer of the embryo.
-          Have a two layers / strata
·         Papillary Layer
-          Lies next to the epidermis.
-          Its outer surface is elevated into tiny projections with hollows between them.
·         Reticular Layer
-          Lies beneath the papillary layer.
-          The cells and fibers form an interlacing network.
-          Blood vessels and nerves pass through this layer to reach the papillary layer.

-          Nails are form of epidermis that has benn modified by becoming keratinized.
-          The stratum lucidum, the clear layer, has thickened to form a hard protective covering for the tips of the fingers and toes.
-          Consists of a nail root body and a free edge.

Functions of the Nail

1.    Protection of the distal phalanx, the fingertip, and the surrounding soft tissues from injuries.
2.    Enhace precise delicate movements of the distal digits through counter-pressure exerted on the pulp of the fingers.
3.    Acts as a counterforce when the end of the fingers touches an object, thereby enhancing the sensitivity of the fingertip.
4.    Function as a tool, enabling for instance a so called “extended precision grip”.

·         Nail Root
-          The proximal part that is covered by a fold of skin, and hidden from view.
·         Body of the Nail
-          This is the exposed part, with its free edge projecting over the tip of the digit.
-          The lunula is the white part of the nail body, shaped like a half-moon close to the nail root.
·         Eponychium
-          The outer horny layer of epidermis at the base of the nail that tends to grow out over the nail body.

-          A modification of the epidermis.
-          Consists of a hair root, a shaft and a hair sheath or hair follicle.

Functions of the Hair

1.    Provides thermal regulation.
2.    Head hair protects the scalp against the burning sun and helps hold in body heat.
3.    Eyelashes and eyebrow hair help keep foreign matter out of the eyes.
4.    Hair in the nostrils and ear canal help catch dust, debris and even insects from entering the body. Nostril hair also helps regulate the temperature of inhaled air before it enters the body.
5.    Human body hairs are connected to touch receptors in the skin that allow us to feel and, in that sense, collectively serve as a protective warning device.
6.    Hair also serves the aesthetic function of adding beauty to the human body.
7.    Facial hair helps differentiate men from women, and pubic hair indicates that a man or woman has reached puberty and is becoming sexually mature and ready to reproduce.

·         Hair Follicle
-          Small canal opening upon the skin surface and extending down into the dermis or even the subcutaneous tissue.
-          The hair follicle is the pore on the scalp from which a hair grows.
·         Root
-          The part below the skin level lying in a hair follicle.
·         Bulb
-          The inner enlarged end of each hair root.

-          Contains a hair follicle and a hair. These units are found everywhere on the body except on the palms, soles, top of the feet, and the lower lip.
-          Sebaceous glands produce a substance called sebum, which is responsible for keeping the skin and hair moisturized. During adolescence, sebaceous glands enlarge and produce more sebum under the influence of hormones called androgens. After about age 20, sebum production begins to decrease.
-          If the sebaceous gland does not produce enough sebum, the skin is dry. On the other hand, if it produces too much sebum the skin is oily, a condition called seborrhea. If sebum gets trapped in the pore, acne can develop.

-          Simple tubelike glands consisting of a single canal or duct, and a coiled secreting part.
-          Sweat glands are tubes in which sweat is produced and then transported to the surface of the skin.
-          Sweat serves to cool the body off. To perform this purpose well, sweat glands are spread all over the body, with the exception of places like the lips, parts of the genitals, and a person’s nipples. In all, each person typically has more than two million sweat glands.

Two Types of Sweat Glands

1.    Eccrine Glands
-          The most prevalent type of sweat glands. They are located all over the body, especially in a person’s forehead, neck, back, palms, and feet. These glands produce sweat when a person becomes hot because of external heat, fever, exercise, and even emotional upset. The sweat glands in the palms and soles of the feet are particularly likely to react in stressful situations.
2.    Apocrine Glands
-          These glands end in hair follicles.
-          They are usually concentrated in areas that have hair, such as the armpits, around the anus, and the external genital areas. These sweat glands respond mostly to emotional stress of some type and also produce sweat when a person is upset or sexually excited.
-          Responsible for much of a person’s body odor after forgetting deodorant or following intense exercise. This is because the secretions from these glands have a scent. In fact, apocrine glands are sometimes referred to as scent glands.

-          Are modified sweat glands located in the external ear that secretes wax into the external acoustic (auditory) meatus.
-          Are simple, coiled, tubular glands made up of an inner secretory layer of cells and an outer myoepithelial layer of cells
-          They produce cerumen, or earwax, by mixing their secretion with sebum and dead epidermal cells
-          Cerumen keeps the eardrum pliable, lubricates and cleans the external auditory canal, waterproofs the canal, kills bacteria, and serves as a barrier to trap foreign particles (dust, fungal spores, etc.) by coating the guard hairs of the ear, making them sticky.

-          Consisting of areolar (loose connective tissue) forms a layer between the skin and such structures as muscles, bones, or organs that lie deep to the skin.
-          The third layers of skin.
-          Contains fat and connective tissue that houses larger blood vessels and nerves. This layer is important is the regulation of temperature of the skin itself and the body. The size of this layer varies throughout the body and from person to person.
-          Responsible for regulating body temperature. A human’s subcutaneous tissue also protects her inner organs and bones.

·         Endocrine Glands / Ductless Glands
-          Have no ducts.
-          They discharged their secretions directly into blood or lymph capillaries for distribution by the blood to all body tissues. Their secretions are called hormones.

·         Exocrine Glands
-          Have a secreting part and a duct.
-          The duct is a small canal through which the secretion passes into a cavity, a hollow organ, or the skin surface.
-          The duct is formed by a single layer of epithelial cells arranged to form a hollow tube.

Classification of Exocrine Glands

1.    Simple Tubular Gland
-          A single tube of cuboid cells, the inner end of which forms a secretion that discharged through a single tube.
2.    Branched Tubular Gland
-          A single duct with branches, with a secreting part t the end of each branch.
3.    Simple Saccular / Alveolar Gland
-          A sinle duct at the blind end of which a saclike secreting part is located.
4.    Branched Saccular
-          A single collecting duct with branches opening into it, each branch ending in a saclike secreting end.
5.    Combined Tubuloalveolar Gland
-          With tubular and sacular parts.

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